Ron Clough <rvc <at>> writes:

> Kelvin Eldridge <audictionary <at>> wrote:

> > I would like to raise an enhancement request for hyphenated words to
> > be handled correctly for Australian English.
> > 
> > Could a second person using Australian English please confirm this
> > is an issue.
> I can confirm having the same problem in OOo. (FWIW the identical 
> problem exists with this dictionary in ClipMate.)
> Regards,
> Ron Clough

Thanks Ron for the feedback.

I've now raised the following issue.

With regards to ClipMate, the program used to create the dictionary file for 
Addict software (and thus ClipMate) used the full dictionary which included 
hyphenated words. Assuming the hyphenated words were accepted by the program, 
the issue will then be with the ClipMate software and how the software handles 
word breaks.

I'll ask the Addict software people for further information and let you know.

Kelvin Eldridge Australian English dictionary creator/maintainer.
(Links to dictionary file pages located at the bottom of the page.)

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