Ross Bernheim wrote:

On Jan 9, 2007, at 12:51, Robin Laing wrote:

One thing that one of my co-workers told me is that working with graphics in Word can be a real pain as the auto-formatting will move things on it's own. He now uses OpenOffice as he can control the graphics much better. This is after Word reformatted a report that he had been working on all weekend and wouldn't undo.

If formatting is an issue, then make sure all people are using OpenOffice or the same version of Word for the best compatibility. At least OpenOffice doesn't cost any money.

Robin Laing


I think that much of the problems come from people trying to do things in a word processor that should really be done in a desktop publishing program. It is a byproduct of people who don't know the difference between a text editor, word processor and desktop publishing. It has helped push the feature bloat in word processors as programs are touted to have more "features" than the competition, regardless of weather they are useful or even hinder the program. Compare the size and speed of MS Word 5.0 and the current version of Word as an example of feature bloat and size increase.

I did a large document a few years ago. I gave up on Word at about 7 pages and brought my Mac from home and used Word Perfect which did a much better job. If I had to do it again, I would use a desktop publishing program for the document and a word processor or text editor for the text portions and import the text into the desktop publishing program.

Ross Bernheim

But that isn't the option when you are give a Word template and told to use it by Corp. Headquarters. Even if the template is flawed or damaged. I give one user credit, he converted the Word template to OpenOffice.

Of course when you are writing a report, you think that Word is the tool as advertised by MS and the fact that it is on most of the new computers by default. Some have moved to OOo and others have moved to LaTeX.

Robin Laing

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