TerryJ wrote:
> KAMI-3 wrote:
>> Harold Fuchs írta:
>>> On Sunday, January 14, 2007 2:54 AM [GMT+1=CET],
>>> TerryJ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> Harold Fuchs-3 wrote:
>>>>> If I install OOo 2.1 on a pristine system (no previous version of
>>>>> OOo) and do File>New>Text Document, then a blank text document gets
>>>>> created with some paragraph/character styles, page margins, default
>>>>> language etc. etc. In other words, OO has used some template to
>>>>> create this blank document. Where is this template? What is its
>>>>> name? How do I change it? Oh, Win XP Pro but answers for other OS's
>>>>> might be of interest ...
>>>>> Harold Fuchs
>>>>> London, England
>>>> Ah.  You seek initiation to the mystery discussed at length here:
>>>> http://www.oooforum.org/forum/viewtopic.phtml?t=37132
>>>> The default templates are not stored as files but are generated by the
>>>> software - hard coded, I believe is the term.  It makes life
>>>> difficult for networks, seemingly one of the organisation's goals.
>>>> Cheers.
>>> Terry, thanks.
>>> Did you mean that one of the organisation's goals is to make life 
>>> difficult for networks ??? That's how it reads, at least to me. If 
>>> that's what you meant, why, please?
>>> Harold Fuchs
>>> London, England
>> Navigate to File - Templates - Manage - then select your template... 
>> Right click on it the make it default.
> Kami, that's my point.  You are talking about a single user.  That method is
> simply impracticable in a network.  How does the administrator of a network
> set default templates for all users, install macros for use by all users or
> implement other default settings for all users?
> There are workarounds for some of those issues but the software is
> network-unfriendly.  Perhaps that is the intention - networks should use
> StarOffice.  (I don't know whether that's any better.)  The ootech solution
> is available only for Windohs! networks.
> Regards.
In my experience, there are two common techniques.

1) Images - you create a standard image and distribute it
2) Install scripts - You run the script to install & configure apps.

Often the two methods are combined, where the image forms the base and
then the appropriate script is run, to customize the system for the
target role.  Does OO not have such a custom install method?

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