On Sun, Jan 14, 2007 19:50:57 PM -0500, Donald H Locker

> I'll respectfully disagree -- top-posting is much more efficient in
> terms of recipient's time if the recipient is so inclined.

Exactly. Do whatever you want when you know in advance (friends,
coworkers..) what the recipient think. I *explicitly* mentioned that
this recommendation is only valid for public mailing lists. Because in
such a case you cannot (must not) assume anything on the inclination
of many unknown recipients. So it is really, really better (*) to
stick to conventions widely established and accepted by decades
because they do have a reason to be what they are. Not to mention the
fact that those who try to search answers in the archives before
increasing the traffic waste twice the time if they have to start
reading from the bottom.

(*) not to make me happy: it's in the interest of who asks, that is if
    he or she hopes to receive useful answers quickly. Really, I am
saying this so you can avoid to hurt *my* eyes, just to help (making
it easier for the OP to find support onlne). Remember that *this* list
is an exception in many point of views. In the majority of cases, at
least on software support mailing lists, top posting is a sure way to
get ignored (if you're lucky...)

Hope this helps,


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