melchar wrote:
>          However, I just spent 12 hours totday trying to download the
> darned thing and my dial-up BOTH times at about the 6-7 hour mark
> dropped signal and the download stopped.  And then would not
> re-establish the download at where it stopped, so I had to do it all
> over again.
>           Another 60-odd megs and disconnect.  Aggggg!
>          Is there ANY possible way to JUST have a smaller file of only
> simple word processing with nothing fancy for dial-up users?  So I can
> maybe download it and use the program?
>           I ordered the CD a few months back and it wouldn't work on my
> laptop.  Tried it a couple of times and was told by a chum when it
> wouldn't work in his machine [or a 2nd laptop I got thereafter] that the
> CD was bad.  [gee thanks]
>           I don't have ANY choice at this point but ordering ANOTHER CD
> that I -hope- works this time because, even with all the [insert swear
> swords here] problems I've had with trying to get this program - MS Word
> is -worse-!
>            And yes, I emailed earlier - and am just really despondant
> right now.
> Barbara
Hi Barbara

That is tough, especially getting a bad CD.

Do you use a download manager? There are several shown on the Download
page of OOo

Another alternative is peer-to-peer, as this checks each "chunk" as it
downloads and will reload anything missing.

Unfortunately (perhaps) a word processor alone would decrease the
download size by about 10% as most of the code is shared between the
various segments of the suite.



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