Hello Users, I managed finding & replacing some of the special characters using the expression \t, \n and ^$. However, no results using the expression \xXXX
For example, I want to replace the Euro symbol with the British currency symbol (Pound Sterling). OOo finds \x20Ac which is the Euro symbol but it replaces with the expression \x20A4 and not with the Pound Sterling symbol. I tried other special characters (like 1/4 replacing 1/8, TM replacing R... and the result was the same, the finding process located the special character but the 'replacing expression' was inserted instead of the symbol it represents. Does anyone have a solution for that? Is this a bug? Thank you in advance. Regards, -- Thelma L. Sabim www.portuguesetranslator.net (512) 837-5708 ATA (USA) & ABRATES (Brasil) Certified Translator from English into Portuguese