Harold Drabkin wrote:
> I asked a similar question last week. People claim that the 
> documentation says how to do it; but it does not.
> the only thing close iin the section on special charactes is maybe you 
> are suppose to use \xXXXX where XXXX is a 4 digit hexadecimal for the 
> character. However, I can not get this to work at all.
> hjd

Please bottom post...

This was replied to this evening. Please keep in mind that folks here
volunteer to assist when they can, so sometimes responses can be delayed
(or not even replied to). The documents do point out that OOo uses
regular expressions. Here is my response to your previously related
post, hope this helps:

Harold, sorry for the delay in responding. When you are in the document
and open Find & Replace click the "Help" button. Scroll down to "Regular
Expressions" and click on the link to go to the list of regular
expressions. Scroll down the table and you will find:

Represents a tab. You can also use this expression in the Replace with box.

Represents a line break that was inserted with the Shift+Enter key
combination. To change a line break into a paragraph break, enter \n in
the Search for and Replace with boxes, and then perform a search and

OOo uses Regular Expressions, see:
for a good explanation.

So, in the case of your example: replace all instances of ^p (MS Word
terms) with a space or tab you would:

Edit|Find & Replace
  Click More Options
   Tick Regular Expressions
Search For: enter a dollar sign: $
Replace with: enter a space, or in the case of a tab, enter a \t
Click Find, then Click Replace to test

I think that someone wrote a macro to match the MS Word "Search &
Replace" codes but can't recall who/where. Perhaps with a little
Googling/Yahooing you can find it.

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