On Wed, 14 Feb 2007 14:30:26 +0530
Pradeep Srinivas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> dijo:

> On Wednesday 14 Feb 2007, John Jason Jordan wrote (regarding [users] Menu 
> fonts in 2.1 Linux Gnome):
> > Way too small, and also fuzzy. Ugly and very difficult to read. I am
> > referring to the fonts used to display "File," "Edit," View" and so on,
> > and the drop down menus when you click on them. I just installed 2.1
> > and the fonts in 2.04 and all previous versions were sharp and crisp,
> > as well as larger. Is there a way to change the display font?
> >
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> Jason, pardon my ignorance, but I do not think that this happens to be a OOo 
> problem.  Probably a problem with Gnome ?  I run OOo 2.1 on KDE, and the 
> fonts look fine to me.

The menu fonts in OOo 2.04 were the same as the menu fonts in all my
other programs. But in 2.1 they are too small and very fuzzy, yet all
my other programs remain unchanged. So it must be an OOo 2.1 problem. 

I suspect that OOo 2.1 is telling Gnome what font to display and is
setting the size smaller than 2.04 did. Why this should be so is the

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