Michele Zarri wrote:

An update from the Italian users mailing list.

Denis found a way to replace the default template using an
application called Tweak UI. I did not try myself, but he said that
all you have to do is to create a template which uses the fonts you
want, save it somewhere and then from the Tweak UI > Templates menu
replace the default template with the one you created.

I've just had a look around my XP system and found all the OO.o templates used to create documents on the desktop (or in a directory) under Documents and Settings > All Users > Templates. No need to use TweakUI at all. Just copy a suitable default document here as soffice.odt and everything will be fine (It might be a good idea to rename the existing file, so as to retain it for any unlikely event(s).

One thing to note about this however, is that these default "templates" are stored as documents (.odt for example), not as templates (.ott)


Peter HB

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