Greetings from New Zealand.
Greetings from Auckland...

OpenOffice 2.0 has created a file
'Untitled1' on our PC. Any attempt to open the program brings up the
file recovery screen which appears without report or recover click
boxes, as though they are off screen at the bottom of the page.

Is there any ability to simply hit enter (which will accept the
defaults of the page) - even though the buttons are off screen.

Have uninstalled, removed all visible trace, and reinstalled. Have also
checked registry with 'find' for reference. The file or some vestige
remains hidden on the machine and resists discovery or removal
Its been a while since I've used '98, but did you also clean out the
user directories...(if '98 have these?) ... I believe that this is
where the crash data is normally stored...


Vista is "dramatically more secure than any other operating system
released" Bill Gates
Huh ??  Defender doesn't stop spyware (Webroot) ; firewall is only 50%
effective (Zdnet) ; UAC can be turned off and is annoying ; SP1 (incl
security reasons) due end of 2007...
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