Richard Detwiler wrote:
> Keith Bates wrote:
>> On Mon, 26 Feb 2007 07:32:40 +1300
>> Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> OOo will run fine on Vista... there are some minor 'eye candy' issues,
>>> but these will mostly be resolved with the next release of OOo.
>>> /paul
>> Obviously there are zillions of people who don't understand that Vista
>> is just the latest version of Windows.
>> Maybe this needs to be put on the main web page in big flashing red
>> letters: "Vista users download the windows version."
> This (unfairly) implies an ignorance which I don't believe exists
> among the majority of Windows users. I think the vast majority of
> people with Vista know that it is the latest version of Windows. The
> problem is that the web site says that the Windows version of
> OpenOffice is for Windows 2000, NT, and XP.
> So I think that asking whether it works with Vista is a very logical
> question (and one which can be eliminated by simply adding Vista to
> the list of Windows versions that OOo works with).

Until you've done some end user support, it's impossible to understand
the magnitude of ignorance of many users.  There are quite a few who
don't even know the difference between a computer and monitor!

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