2007/3/3, Rick Bilonick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On Sat, 2007-03-03 at 09:30 -0500, Rick Bilonick wrote:
> I have a Greek letter with a subscript. Sometimes at the end of a line,
> the subscript will move to the next line. For example, instead of
> "s1" (where s is sigma), I get:
> s
> 1
> How can I keep these together on the same line? It must be something
> simple I'm missing.
> Rick B.

For some reason, OOo doesn't see s1 as a "word". I tried
Format/Character/Font and setting language to "none" but it has no
effect. This is supposed to prevent hyphenation but then this isn't
really hyphenation to begin with. Any way to prevent this behavior? It
would be a pain to have to insert a formula object everywhere.

Rick B.

This seems to happen, if I understand you aright, Rick, when the Greek glyph
occurs at the very end of a line, so that Writer begins the next line with
the subscript. Others will have to tell you how you can identify the
glyph-subscript combination as a single word/morpheme/unit so that Writer
doesn't split them up - I haven't a clue, but as a temporary work-around,
why not hit the space-bar a couple of extra times before writing the Greek
glyph so that it is also pushed down to the next line ?...

Now for my own query, inspired by yours : how can I - for I presume I can -
move the icons for superscript and subscript, respectively, to my OOo
tool-bar ? (I'm presently using OOo 2.04 on a Ubuntu 6.10 distro.) I should
like to avoid having to go through the tools menu to use these devices, but
I haven't been able to figure out a way to put them on the tool-bar. Same
thing when it comes to the synonym list - how can I get it up there ? In
Word, all I had to do was drag and drop, but this simple maneœvre doesn't
seem to work on OOo, and I was unable to locate anything in the help section
which could resolve the problem. If anybody knows, I'd very much like to
hear about it, but please - take it step-by-step !...


PS : If I can suggest one improvement for future versions of OOo, it would
be to incorporate more drag-and-drop procedures. Most user-friendly !...

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