On Wednesday March  07 2007 3:16 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Dear OOo,
> I need to use OOo and MS Word simultaneously, as I have to deal
> with a group of club members. Therefore I need an option to convert
> a Word.dot to an OOo.ott. My Word.dot uses graphics, headers and
> footers with frames, page frames, about 20 different style
> templates and automated page numbers. I tried to open it in OOo and
> to save it as an OOo.ott, but some elements simply will not work.
> Yesterday I did some testing with the three converters actually
> available, but I only managed to run the Sun converter on my x64
> system - with poor results.
> Last option for me is to design two separate templates for OOo and
> Word (as the same problem will rise in my company in a few weeks):
> The MS Word template is still in the draft process, so every change
> on it would result in double work. My question is: Will Da Vinci be
> able to handle these sophisticated *.dot? May I send you the
> mentioned Word.dot for testing?
> Sincerely yours
> Estrid Stoll

     The key word is "sophisticated." Word uses a proprietary format with many 
secret parts. So it is impossible to convert one of its files to another text 
format without loosing some formatting in the process. The same can be said 
about converting another text format to the MS Word format. The more 
sophisticated the formating the more likely the loss of even more formating.
     I would recommend opening the *.dot file in OOo (OpenOffice.org) and make 
sure everything is still in its right place. If not, edit it to place 
everything in the right place. Then use 
File > Template > Save to create the template for OOo.
     But again, remember that files created from that template in OOo when 
saved as a *.doc file for MS Word use will not look the same as a similarly 
created file in MS Word with the MS Word *.dot file. (Actually, there is a 
possibility that it may look the same, but your mention of sophistication in 
the formatting leads me to believe it will not.)


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