On Friday March  09 2007 10:17 am, Mike McGinn wrote:
> Hello,
> I just completed installing Open Office 2.1 on my laptop running
> Mandrake (Mandriva) 10.1 with kernel with some Toshiba
> laptop extensions enabled.
> When I tried to launch it, the file "/usr/bin/openoffice.org-2.1"
> was looking to exec "/etc/openoffice.org-2.1/program/soffice" which
> did not exist. I found the file
> "/opt/openoffice.org2.1/program/soffice" and edited the script in
> /usr/bin to reflect this.
> All was well after that.
> My concern is that this would be a show stopper for an
> inexperienced user. Please take care to make sure your installation
> program does not put someone less experienced through an unpleasant
> experience.
> Thank you for an otherwise fine product,

      I think that your problems may have come from Mandriva. That is 
because the OOo version that comes with Mandriva is installed 
in /etc/openoffice.org-2.1. It might also install the 
file: /usr/bin/openoffice.org-2.1.
     I use Mandriva, myself (version 2007), and I have used 10.2. The 
default installation of Mandriva includes OOo, and it is placed in 
the /etc/ folder. I always make sure that OOo is deselected during 
the install to avoid this problem. Then I use the RPM command from 
the command line (Konsole) to install OOo.


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