Hi Harold, 
I wish to thank you profusely for stepping up and helping, I really really 
appreciate it. 
Saw your post regarding the problem, and it has worked, (perhaps you know 

Anyway you put yourself out for me and the others caught in the same loop, so 
Harold take a moment
to feel good about it. 


--- Harold Fuchs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Nevyn Anderson wrote:
> > Hi, 
> > I have registered twice (yes twice), using different browsers and two 
> > different (legitimate,
> in
> > daily use email addresses but to no avail. I still have not received the 
> > crucial confirmation
> > email to allow me to enter the forums. 
> >
> > 1) registered under: 
> > legbiter [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> >
> > 2) registered under:  
> > tillitbreaks [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> >
> > I tried legbiter again, but, (and this is the bit that is so funny it makes 
> > you feel like
> shooting
> > something) it informs me that that username is already in use - Probably 
> > because I registered
> with
> > it 4 hours or so ago. But it is not activated because I haven't received 
> > the email. 
> >
> > I have sent an email to the administrator, (not using Outlook, even though 
> > the link opened it
> for
> > me, because I have NEVER ever used Outlook, and it is going to stay that 
> > way). No reply has
> been
> > forth coming. 
> >
> > Frustrating, frustrating, tell me about it. I have a problem with OOo, but 
> > cannot get into the
> > forums to post / discuss it. I can't get into the forum to tell anyone that 
> > I can't get into
> the
> > forum. 
> >
> > Thanking you in advance, 
> > Nev
> >
> >   
>  From the fact that you are talking about usernames ("legbiter" and 
> "tillitbreaks"), it look to me like you are trying to register for the 
> *web forum* at www.oooforum.org. Unfortunately that * web forum* has 
> nothing to do with this *mail list* and we can't help you. Some of the 
> people associated with this list are currently trying to contact the 
> administrator of the forum because, believe it or not, you are not the 
> only one to experience this problem and the frequency seems to be 
> growing of late, although that is probably of little comfort to you; sorry.
> You are not registered for this list. You may continue asking questions 
> (and providing answers if you like) but (a) you will, I think, get "nag" 
> messages about not being registered and (b) possibly not see some 
> messages because the sender didn't include your e-mail address 
> explicitly in his/her message. Both these "problems" will disappear if 
> you register (the process works!) *but* be aware that you will then 
> start receiving many (up to about 100) messages *per day*. Depending on 
> your level of interest in OpenOffice, many of those might be dross and 
> you might think being registered is not worth it. As an alternative to 
> cluttering up your mail inbox you can read this list's messages as a 
> *news* feed by pointing your news (NNTP, not RSS) reader at 
> news.gmane.org <nntp://news.gmane.org> and subscribing to  
> <nntp://news.gmane.org>gmane.comp.openoffice.questions 
> <http://news.gmane.org/gmane.comp.openoffice.questions> .You can read 
> this news group without a registered e-mail address but you can't post 
> to it.
> As you found this list you presumably also found that you can search its 
> archive. I'm not sure what's in the forum that isn't in that archive. 
> Personally I rarely go to the forum  but, of course, others have the 
> right to disagree and, in any case, I think you can search it without a 
> registered address (I may be wrong there; if so, sorry).
> -- 
> Harold Fuchs
> London, England
> Please reply *only* to users@openoffice.org

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