At 14:39 17/03/2007 +1000, Nic Timmins wrote:
Hi i was just wondering if you knew or could find out how to insert the todays date and have it remain the same date as the day you inserted it. I know of the function "=today()" but that just displays the date of the day you look at the spreadsheet, and I want it to remain the date that the function was inserted.

Enter the expression using the "TODAY" function as you suggest. When you are ready to freeze the date, copy the cell and then paste it back to itself. But instead of using the normal paste, use Edit | Paste Special... (or right-click | Paste Special...). In the window that appears, look under "Selection". Uncheck "Paste all" if necessary. Now (here's the trick!) make sure "Formulae" is *not* checked. OK the paste. Calc has now frozen the result of the function reference as a value.

If you paste the value into a different cell, you will have to format the result as a date in order for it to display correctly. But the original cell already knows it's a date.

Brian Barker

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