I'm using OOo 2.1 and 2.2 on a FC6 pc. It has been a long hard road,
although I've learned a lot. I took my original large document (about
400 pages) and broke it into sections, and then used a master document
to tie it all together (using the same template for everything). Of
course, it didn't work (even though all the parts look perfect, the TOC
is all screwed up - page numbers don't match sections, the figure
references get altered (no longer pointing to the right figure - even
though the figure captions haven't changed) and the odd blank page gets
inserted just for good measure to further screw up the TOC etc. At least
I have all the separate parts that I can create nice pdf's from (using
ps2pdf [from the saved Postscript printed to a file] given that there is
still an unresolved bug with OOo directly making pdf's with the font I
chose at the beginning). BTW, I given the TOC etc were all screwed up, I
made copies of all the separate parts and created separate TOCS, index
of figures, etc. for each part (and used hidden sections to hide these
elements), and then copied all the pieces so I had one perfect TOC etc.
(This was labor intensive but all the references are correct.) For each
part, I set the starting page number, figure number, table number, etc.
(I made a spreadsheet to figure out what these values were to keep it
all straight.)

I sort of figured the master document approach would not work given all
the problems I've had (including difficulty in placing figures/frames,
and on and on). So I figured I could always use psmerge to combine all
the parts into one big Postscript file and then use ps2pdf on it. I
tried using psmerge with a couple of parts early on just to see if it
would work and I swear it looked like it worked fine. But of course,
when I used it to tie togther all 21 Postscript parts, it turns out that
psmerge screws up the fonts - terribly (figure and table references turn
to Courier, etc.). (The only thing that psmerge warns about is making
sure you use the same application to make all the Postscript files that
are to be merged - which of course I did,)

Does anyone know of another program to merge Postscript files that won't
screw up the fonts? Or, say combine pdf's? It would be nice to have
everything in one file (although I'm sort of resigned to having 7

Rick B.

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