"Started" means that a developer has looked at it. It does not really mean 
that the are implementing it yet. Sometimes developers have items on their 
list of higher importance. However new contributors are always welcome and 
can be helped to implement such things.

On Sunday 25 March 2007, Joe Conner wrote:
> This has been requested on Oct 12, 2002.  See issue:
> http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=7998
> The status is "started," whatever that means.  You would think
> that after five years, it should be FINISHED.
> Paolo Sereni wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I'm using OO 2.0 (Calc) and I can not find any way to have the results of
> > a linear correlation analysis written on the directly graph. In
> > other words: I plot two sets of data (x_i, y_i) and I want to know the
> > parameters of the straight line that better approximates the data.
> > As
> > far as I was able to find, I can only plot the straight line, but I
> > have no chance of having the parameters (slope and intercept) printed on
> > te graph of that line.
> > It would be great if OO Calc would allow a user to print on the graph:
> > - parameters of the straight line and their errors
> > - Linear Correlation Coefficient

CPH : openoffice.org contributor

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