PSC Inc wrote:jammer
1) Being a newbie to OpenOffice, I didn't consider that as an option.
Thanks for the tip. I didn't know they played well together.
I have no idea how well they play together.
2) I'm tired of MS and all the hoops, endless holes and updates.  I want an
OS and apps that work that are NOT Mac (don't ask).

OpenOffice is the first step for me.  Once I get comfortable with it, I want
to switch our network over to Linux and abandon MS forever, but I don't know
enough yet.  I don't have a Unix background.  I went from CP/M directly to
Windows, never detoured into Unix. (Yeah, that was a "few" years ago <g>.)
I haven't done any programming since 1972 (Basic and extended Basic back

Getting our Intuit apps (bookkeeping/accounting software) to run on Linux is
going to be a problem, since they do not have a version for Linux and have
no intention of putting one on the market.  Once I get OpenOffice up and
running, finding a comparable app to replace Intuit is my next task.
Maybe those apps run under the windows emulator, Wine.
Wish me luck <g>.


-----Original Message-----
From: James Lockie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2007 6:31 PM
Subject: Re: [users] Why we need something like Outlook
(Snip for space)

What is preventing you from using MS Outlook with OpenOffice?
I think there is a Mozilla app (Sunbird?) for calendar that integrates with Thunderbird (email).

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