At 15:13 15/04/2007 -0500, Dan Lewis wrote:
On Sunday April  15 2007 7:11 am, Brian Barker wrote:
> At 21:28 14/04/2007 -0700, Wanda Ochoa wrote:
> >I have never gotten much use out of autotext because when I do use
> >it I can't keep it from adding a line feed/carriage return; as a
> >result, I have to backspace over the lf/cr to the end of the
> >autotext in the event I don't want to end a line of my document
> > with it. I make certain that I select precisely the text I want
> > -- without [new paragraph] at the end
> >of a line -- when I create the autotext.
> >
> >Is this the planned behavior, or is there some setting, option or
> >customization that can eliminate it or work around it?
> I don't seem to be able to reproduce your problem.  But however it
> occurs, there is, I think, a simple workaround.  Once you have
> created the AutoText with the unwanted trailing newline, just go
> back and edit it to remove this:
> o  Go to Edit | AutoText... and select the appropriate entry.
> o  From the AutoText drop-down, select Edit.  This opens a new
> document with just the replacement text.
> o  Remove the extra newline.
> o  Close this document and choose the Save option.
> Or does this suffer from the same problem as the original creation?
> Brian Barker

     When I edited the AutoText entry in the document that AutoText
opened, the entry had two paragraph markers. (Nonprinting characters
were ON.) I was able to remove the one on the following line but not
the first one.


But the extra, second paragraph break is the only one you *need* to remove. You've solved the problem. Really!

Brian Barker

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