Have you thaught about using deltacopy/rsync for the distribution?

It does need the installation/setup of rsync on each workstation but this could 
be handy for later usage.

Automation can also be assisted with Autoit (search google for it), but tricky

Larger companies use specific software for such tasks, such as


-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Wed, 11 Apr 2007 14:47:31 -0400 (EDT)
An: "Cor Nouws" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Betreff: Re: [users] Best Way to do a Mass Rollout of OpenOffice.org 2.2

> > Hi dWade,
> >
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >> I have OpenOffice 2.2 on my workstation; and my boss wants me to put my
> >> copy of it on to everyone's (that's about 300 and some) computer.  I've
> >> tried zipping up the entire OpenOffice directory, keeping the path, and
> >> zipping up all the AutoCorrect, AutoText, Template, and Macro
> >> directories
> >> I will be referring to them as "The goodies files" for lack of a better
> >> term. I took the zip files and extracted the zip file containing the
> >> goody
> >> files out first. After making sure that these files had the expected
> >> path
> >> I extracted the OpenOffice 2.2 files; they went to their proper place
> >> under the Program Files directory.
> >>[...]
> >
> > Are you aware that there are
> >    - a share path (ProgFiles\OOo\share )
> > and
> >    - a user path (Docs&Settings\<name>\ApplData\OOO ) ??
> >
> > That's not clear for me from what you've written.
> > Futher I don't see anything special in your description.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Cor
> >
> >
> > --
> >
> > Cor Nouws
> > Arnhem - Netherlands
> > nl.OpenOffice.org - marketing contact
> >
> Thanks for responding Cor.  There in nothing special beyond my
> AutoCorrects, a few Macros, a fist full of templates, along with some
> settings that enable OpenOffice to load a little faster. It's not the
> quanity that's that problem . The problem is that when you consider
> setting everything up and on 300+ machines your talking about some serious
> time.
> dWade
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