Seidl (I hope that it is the right way of addressing you*):

My comments in line, and therefore, this is top posted. 

(*) : I am Indian, and am not sure if I am addressing you by the right name.  
My apologies if I am not....Also, (sorry, off topic), could you help me to 
pronounce your name ?(send me mail off the list)


On Saturday 21 Apr 2007, WJ Seidl wrote (regarding [users] Linux migration 
with OOo- question from a rank newbie-LONG):
> Well, time for another question.
<<Snipped Long Intro>>
> Will OOo work with all of these distributions? (I'm assuming yes?) Or is
> each version proprietary to it's type (RedHat, Debian, Mandrake, SuSE?)
I have got OOo to work with Fedora Core 5, Ubuntu, SuSE.  The download from 
OO.o Site should help you choose the right distribution package for you.

> Will I need to reinstall and reconfigure everything once I make the
> change over to a Linux based OS, or is there some way I can back up what
> I have spent the last three days doing, and just transfer it over once I
>   nuke and pave the drives on these desktops?  (I know that there is a
> different version of OO for Linux than for Windows, but would there be
> directories, files or profiles that I could transfer, and ease the
> migration?) We're on a wired/wireless network, if that matters. All
> machines will be migrating.
Hmmm...No first hand experience on this question.  However, intuition tells me 
that it may not be quite so easy to copy user profile and/or preferences 
between MSWindows and *NIX.  Any other list member, if you have a 
(supportive/contradictory) view to mine, please value add to Seidl's and my 

> If you prefer one to the other (distro), would you be so kind as to tell
> me why, or which might work better?  Like I said, we've been with
I'd rather not give my own preferences....there is a saying in an Indian 
language - if one has to marry, one better choose his mate himself (well, 
loosely translated!!).  If you need to maintain the systems, then, I'd rather 
you install at least a few of the distros and choose what you like best *for 
your type of work*

> (What a way to spend a vacation!)
Yep, that feeling is familiar to me.....after 23 years in the support 
Pradeep Srinivas
Bangalore, India

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