On 04/23/2007 08:07 PM, John Phillips wrote:
> linuxmaillists,
> On Mon, 23 Apr 2007, at 23:02:47 [GMT -0400] (13:02:47 Tuesday, 24
> April 2007 Australian Eastern Time) you wrote:
>> http://www.gcn.com/print/26_06/43307-1.html
>> http://uk.theinquirer.net/?article=39087
> For what it is worth, the largest bank in Australia is just installing
> XP Pro in their many thousand odd branches.

He he... :-0 I remember in the '80's when I lived in Australia &
installed an X.25 network for ANZ - the competing bank continued on with
IBM (never can go wrong with IBM...) and shortly after I left, the
competing bank upgraded their IBM software and ATM machines; result was
each ATM machine spewed out more dollars than they were supposed to.
(Google might still have a record of it). Took IBM a full weekend to
sort the problem out. But we (I am) drifting way off topic here.

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