
Where in your original message did you mention anything about voice
dictation?  All I saw was the lines I quoted.  Also, what foul language
did I use?  I used a commonly used acronym that's often used on the net
to show extreme surprise.  Your note was simply an attack on IBM, that
as far as I could tell was completely unwarranted, given all that they
have done for Linux over the years, including take on SCO in this
shakedown scam.  Judging from your notes, I suspect you have some big
grudge against IBM, but that has absolutely nothing to do with IBM or
this list.

You sir, owe me an apology.

John Boyle wrote:
> To All: I enjoy OOo as a program, but do not enjoy anything IBM; I had
> hoped this would be the year I would switch to Linux full time, but
> with no voice dictation available I cannot do so, and now with the
> other problems that are daily associated with Linux, such as the need
> to be a programmer of some sort, it just is not worth it!  James
> Knott's foul mouthed attitude is just a case in point, with the added
> bonus he does not even address the mail issue of IBM betrayal. If such
> is not the case then state the facts and stop accusing someone of
> being a troll when it more likely is you or others that are!!!!! >:o
> John Boyle wrote:
>> To James Knott: Foul language was not needed! If you read the entire
>> message, I stated that IBM had betrayed the Linux community as far as
>> any voice dictation software which they used to produce for Linux. As
>> far as Linux goes, with all the NON-SUPPORT from my local alleged
>> Linux guru's has been non-existent. The only help I have received
>> that mattered was from Linux Questions.Org! Simply put, unless you
>> are a programmer, even the slightest, Linux is NOT for novice's!!!!!
>> I will not be bothering You again, nor anyone else associated with
>> Linux, as I simply need to save my arthitic hands from any more pain
>> with absolutely no gain!!!! >:o
>> James Knott wrote:
>>> John Boyle wrote:
>>>> To users: Due to IBM's abominable betrayal of those in the open
>>>> software community, I hope they lose BIG !!!
>>> WTF are you talking about?
>>> Also, if they "lose BIG", we all lose BIG.  This is all about a
>>> shakedown scam trying to lay claim to all of Linux, by misappropriating
>>> the works of others.
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