On Saturday 28 April 2007, Dan Lewis wrote:
>      But don't we have to be a little careful in using
> jargon? This seems especially true when there is no
> obvious meaning to those who do not know what it means.
> IIRC is another example that I see once in a while. I
> still have no idea what it means. Besides, these
> abbreviations were created because of much slower modems.
> It would be nice to see the actual words once in a while.
> Assuming the reader knows what our jargon is suppose to
> mean when there is evidence to the contrary does not make
> a lot of sense, does it?

IIRC = If I Remember/Recall Correctly

IMHO = In My Humble Opinion but this one is a farce because 
no opinions are Humble. They should just use IMO

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