Yes the BSOD is a frequent visitor, forgot to mention that I have Vista
64bit which was perhaps a mistake but since I have a 64bit processor it made

When I try to install OOo everything seems to go quite normally even after I
have agreed which drive to install it on and which files to read.  It just
carries on for a bit and then I first get a black screen and then a blue
screen, could not possibly tell you what it says and I am not sure how to
pause the screen so as to read it all, also I am not sure the Print Screen
works at that point.

The computer restarts then and Windows ask how to start, I just ask it to
start normally, no error messages, I fear I am getting blasé about Vista as
it constantly crashes and I have no one to talk too about it.  I just
restart the computer and I am about to re-install XP Pro on a different
drive so I can use the programs Vista does not want to know about but it
would be useful to have OOo working with Vista so I can look at my files and
work with it.

I do look at the Microsoft knowledge base and communities and have sorted
one or two things that way but it is minor.  I fear I may have to reinstall
Vista, earlier on I came across a text saying Vista was oddly configured on
my PC but since I am not that knowledgeable it is a bit tricky to know what
to do.

Anyway thank you for replying, if there is a solution please let me know.
Helene Dibbens

That's an interesting problem - I can't say that I've heard of this
happening to people at that point of the install.

Its a little tricky to find out possible solutions without the text of
the error message.

I've included the list on this email in case there is someone that has
encountered a similar problem.


Vista is "dramatically more secure than any other operating system
released" Bill Gates
Huh ??  Defender doesn't stop spyware (Webroot) ; firewall is only 50%
effective (Zdnet) ; UAC can be turned off and is annoying ; SP1 (incl
security reasons) due end of 2007...
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