At 17:26 11/05/2007 +1200, Rex Teague wrote:
Greetings... two more F&R problems I can't find answers to:

1. Finding digits in this case three figure numbers isolated on their
own line as I would term it or is it more correctly, in their own
paragraph? Messing with the 'help > regular expression' suggestions
gets me nowhere.

2. How to find a carriage return (not a line break) at the end of a

Am I alone in finding the useability of OOo un-intuitive eg. why isn't
the Regular Expression checkbox beside the Find box instead of being
two steps away? My editing productivity has plummeted since using OOo
even to the point of giving up my editing tasks for several months -
I don't do it commercially! I'm now very purposefully trying again to
regain my former speed and I appreciate the help found here.

Thanks... Rex

1. Finding three-digit numbers alone in a paragraph.  Use:


o  ^ means the match has to be at the start of a paragraph,
o  [:digit:] matches any decimal digit,
o  {3} means there must be exactly 3 copies of "digit", and
o  $ means the match must also end a paragraph.

(Note that this won't match a paragraph with three digits followed by a space or spaces.)

2. Finding a paragraph mark. I think this depends on why you want to do this. The ^ and $ devices could be useful here. Indeed, ^$ will find an empty paragraph, if that is what you need. So you could use this to find or delete empty paragraphs.

3. Usability? No comment. That's in the eye of the beholder! (I'm finding it gets easier as I learn by researching your problems!)

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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