On Sunday 20 May 2007 13:04, Frank wrote:
> Dear Sirs, I have nothing for respect for your software. I am a disabled
> individual, who doesn't have the funds for the "MS office" thing. You have
> given me and many others the ability to use a quality product, on a budget
> which I can actually afford to pay. I spend my days at home mostly, using
> my computer to keep my sanity. I have also told everybody who I come in
> contact with, about the ("in my opinion"  ) better version of "Office"
> which you have to offer. MOst of them have purchased it, taking my advice,
> and thanks allot is always in my inbox. The only problem I seem to have, is
> the transition to a MS similar document. eg. Your version of whatever to
> Thiers. This could be, because of financial reasons, I am still using the
> original version which I purchased years ago.. the 1.0.1  .  I know that
> you have superior software out there, due to the fact, the people who I
> steered your way, own it...  I'm still happy with the original version for
> the most part, however, It would be great if you made an upgrade version
> for the people who spend most of their money on doctors, meds,
> transportation, ect..  The real reason I originally wrote this e-mail to
> you, before I felt a need to pat your developers, ect. on the back, is
> something that's been bothering me for a while (years) but never took the
> time to ask, due to application. If I use the spreadsheet, for
> non-mathematical purposes, such as, lists with columns adjacent laterally
> from the listed item, If I use a font size, other than default, when I
> curse down to the next item to be listed, I have to re-set the font size to
> my own format, again. if there is a way to keep it the same, I haven't
> found it, and I've done more than some reading on your "help" section, and
> unless I just somehow overlooked the damn answer, its not there. There's an
> awful lot of reading in there, and it may have alluded me, but I don't
> think so. Could you please set me straight on what to do?  Like I said,
> application wise, I don't need to do this alot, but, I've had now several
> larger projects, and this fopa, almost doubles my time at the keyboard...
> and we all know how much fun typing is for a non-typer !!!!!!!  I would
> also be very interested in any new software Clone (actually better than
> OEM) software you might have to offer. Your site doesn't offer allot of
> insight on product, and I also find it a bit non-user friendly, when it
> comes to purposefully navigating it...(just my opinion) When I go to a
> site, I want either A.,the answer right there, or B., a link to the answer
> to be right there.  Once again, I am genuinely thankful, that a division as
> yourselves, take pride in such a useful product, at a price which peons can
> actually put it on our computers, and still eat food... You're not the only
> manufacturer who does this, but by far the most advanced... I'm saving for
> the newest version, and can't wait to be able to buy it, unless you can
> fill me in on an upgrade version. Maybe available soon?????? again,  Thanx
> an awful lot, I used to have to take a handicap bus to the library, in
> order to use their computers for the "office" type software. You opened up
> some personal freedom to me, and I'll always be thankful for that. I'll
> keep turning my friends and aquaintences on to your product.........One
> more item, the people who didn't, and/or won't try your product, were in
> most part, people who received the MS wishy washy versions with thier
> computer at time of the purchase. My neighbor is one of them, but after a
> tour of my OO software, he now owns both!!! again....Frank.....

Welcome to Open Office, Frank. Open Office isn't really produced by a company 
but a collective assortment of developers contributing their time and effort 
to produce Open Office.

You can download, absolutely free, the current version of Open Office from 
this website... http://www.openoffice.org/  Just go to the download section, 
click on download 2.2 stable, and then select the correct version for the 
operating system you are using. Select the Windows version if you're using 

Good Luck, Bob

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