At 14:23 21/05/2007 -0400, Ed Jones wrote:
For some reason or another I'm having problems understanding the help
file for page numbering.

I have a document that is (at the present time) 47 pages long.  I have a
title page, a frontispiece, and an table of contents.  That's three
pages that I will not number automatically.  The title page will have no
number and the other two will bear the  "i and ii" numbers.

So my OO numbering will start on the physical fourth page which I want
to be "1" and the rest following in order

So far I've been unable to make heads or tails of the help file
regarding starting on a page other than the physical first page of a

Can anyone give me a simple procedure


You are not the first person to find this confusing.  Here are some hints.

You will need to use at least two - possibly three? - page styles for this purpose. You could create your own styles, but the two default styles "First Page" and "Default" may suffice. Construct your first three pages using the First Page style. When you insert the page break to lead you to the fourth page (page 1), notice the options available in the Insert Break dialogue box. Select the new style for page 1 (Default) in the Style window, tick "Change page number", and ensure that the number in the window below is "1".

When you go to Insert | Footer >, you will see the choice of page styles in use. Select the style for the main pages (Default): this gives you a footer only on the fourth page onwards. Now use Insert | Fields > | Page Number, and you should see that your fourth and subsequent pages are numbered from 1 onwards.

You could arrange the numbering of the first three pages in different ways. One way is just to add the roman numerals on the second and third pages in the text, not using a footer. Another would be to define a third style ("Front Matter"?) for these two pages, and then to use a footer with the page number for these too - again starting at 1 on the second page. You can choose the page number style as roman numerals by using Insert | Fields > | Other... | Document. After selecting "Page" and "Page numbers", you will find "Roman (i ii iii)". This format will apply only to your "Front Matter" style and thus only to your second and third pages.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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