Cor Nouws wrote:

> Hi friends of OOo,
> I've done a little testing on wordbooks. And have two questions.
> Available are
> 1 - soffice.doc
> 2 - sun.dic
> 3 - standaard.dic
> On my XP, the soffice.dic and the sun.dic are available in <install 
> path>\share\wordbook\<current language>
> However, I also see an copy in <Application data>\OOo\Share\....
> I think this is older, remaining from an earlier version.
> Is that correct?
> When working on a stand alone XP-PC installation, I can add words to all 
> three wordbooks.
> When working on a Debian base network installation, I can only add words 
> to the standaard.dic (which is in the user-path).
> My quess is that this is by purpose: on network installations it isn't 
> possible to add words to the soffice.dic and the sun.dic, that are in 
> the share path.
> Is that correct?
Yes, your obeservation is correct. On Debian you can't write to any
wordbbooks in share, on WinXP you unfortunately can in most cases. No t
in all cases. My WinXP installation has restricted users and they can't
write to "share" also. On Vista I assume you won't be able to do so too.

So overall it's neither a Debian nor a Linux issue, the problem is that
OOo's access to wordbooks stems from a time where every user was able to
access every file. This is not how it should be. It shouldn't be allowed
to write to something in "share" even if the file system access rights
allowed it. So everything done by users should go into "user".

This is something I would like to see fixed but unfortunately there's a
lot of code to change that currently lacks a dedicated maintainer. We
also have to fix DictOOo and the OOo configuration. But I hope that we
get that done until OOo 3.0 (doing it before that whould be risky anyway
as all other changes to OOo's path settings showed us). I already talked
about that with Laurent Godard (the author of DictOOo) and he agreed in


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