At 08:09 04/06/2007 -0400, Vincent A Juliano wrote:
I"m using a Mac PC5 OSX 10.4 and 00.2 . I'm trying to make a fraction to decimal conversion table and I need to go to four decimal places at the present time the spreadsheet limits to 2 decimal places.
A) How does one change from 2 decimal places to 4 decimal places.

B) Is there a better way to make such a table?
Thank you,

o Select the cell or cells you want to have more fractional places. You can select areas or whole columns or rows - or even a whole sheet, using Edit | Select All. o Go to Format | Cells... (or right-click | Format Cells...) and select the Numbers tab. o Select "Number" in the Category column and an appropriate choice ("General"?) in the Format column.
o  Under "Options", change "Decimal places" to whatever you need.

You can also change this globally - for all your Calc documents - by going to Tools | Options... | Calc | Calculate. But you probably don't want to do that for the particular case you describe.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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