At 07:39 04/06/2007 -0400, Tom Rohr wrote:
Thank you for your response,
"Format"-> "Page" doesn't correct the problem. It runs all the text from the left and from the right together. I want to reconstruct the text into two independent columns like it was originally before being converted into open office. I've attached a sample for your review.


Tom Rohr

Here's a suggestion.

o  Put a space in front of "good" to tidy the right-hand column.
o  Save your Writer document as "Text (.txt)".  Close this document.
o  Change the extension of the saved file from .txt to .csv.
o Right-click this file and choose Open With > and then select OpenOffice. The file will open in Calc. o In the Text Import window, choose "Fixed width" and then set a single column separator on the ruler above the sample window. (58 seems to be what is required.)
o  Your text now opens in Calc in two columns.
o  Create a new Writer (text) document.
o Use Table | Insert > | Table... in the Writer document to create a table of two columns and *one* row, *removing* the tick from "Heading" under "Options". o Select the text in one column at a time from the Calc spreadsheet and copy it into the appropriate table cell in the Writer document (which will automatically expand to allow this). When pasting, use Paste Special (in the Edit or context menus) instead of Paste, and then select "Unformatted text".

You'll then have some tidying up to do, of course. It's not completely obvious quite where you want the various bits of text to end up, so you may need to modify this as necessary.

I'll send you a copy off-list of what I have produced this way.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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