Dan Lewis wrote in gmane.comp.openoffice.questions 
 about: Re: Calc: How do I add up cumulative time (hour/min) values? 

> On Monday June  04 2007 1:49 pm, David M wrote:
>> Is it possible to set an appropriate cell format that will allow me
>> to add up these time values to get the correct cumulative total?
>  It is all in how you format your time. What you need to do in your 
> time cells is to create a custom format. Look at the Format code in 
> the Options section at the bottom. With a 24 hour clock, you should 
> see: HH:MM or HH:MM:SS. To do what you want to do, change it to
> [HH]:MM or [HH]:MM:SS. Click the green check to the right, and then 
> Click OK.

Many thanks, that seems to have done the trick!

My next question, of course, is _what_ has that actually done? What 
does adding the square brackets around the hour format characters 
actually mean in terms of changing the formatting? Arguably, I don't
need to know - as it seems to have done what I needed - but I like to 
know about these sort of things :)

I have to say that this is not something that I would have ever guessed
for myself. Perhaps I was looking in the wrong place, but I didn't spot
any mention of this in the program help.

Thanks also to everybody else who replied, especially also those who 
sent sample spreadsheets.


David M.  Edinburgh, Scotland. ---- [en,fr,(de) <-- corrections welcome]
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