On Tuesday 05 June 2007, VELTIN Joffrey wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> New to this mail list and to OOo community.
> Here is my problem:
> I want to open a particular document from the active document from which I
> launch the macro. I use this code:
> '**************************************************************************
> Sub OpenFile (FileName as String)
> dim args(1) as new com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue
> dim FilePath, FileToOpen, FileURL as String
> dim TheDoc as Object
> FilePath = "C:\MyRecords\"
> FileToOpen= FilePath & FileName & ".ods"
> FileURL=ConvertToURL(FileToOpen)
> args(0).name="InteractionHandler"
> args(0).value=""
> args(1).name="MacroExecutionMode"
> args(1).value=com.sun.star.document.MacroExecMode.ALWAYS_EXECUTE_NO_WARN
> TheDoc=StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL(FileURL,"_blank",0,args())
> End Sub
> '**************************************************************************
> Now, I would like to get access to this newly opened document... let's say
> I would like to add a column.
> As ThisComponent refers to the initial document, I cannot find a way to
> operate on the new document.. Would you have some suggestions?
> Many thanks!

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