At 08:16 12/06/2007 +0200, casper09 wrote:
Help! I am new to OO and I have a simple question which I can't resolve: How to repeat the Insert a row command? Or how to insert more than one row?

I tried Ctrl-Y (which is in the Help pages) but this doesn't work (I work with the Dutch version of OO).

Can you help me? Thanks!

I didn't know how to do this until I guessed: thank you for helping me learn something!

To insert a number of rows in one go, select the rows (or just cells in one column or a number of columns in those rows) where you want the new rows to appear. Then use Insert | Rows (or right-click on a row header and then select Insert Rows). The existing rows will be moved down to insert sufficient blank rows to replace your selection.

For example, if you select rows 5, 6, and 7 and then use Insert | Rows, three blank rows will be inserted and the existing rows from 5 onwards will be shifted down to make room.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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