On 06/13/2007 12:08 AM, Mathias Bauer wrote:
> NoOp wrote:
>> Interestingly enough Novell, which have their patent protection
>> agreement with Microsoft, have such a filter in their version of OOo, see:
>> http://applications.linux.com/article.pl?sid=07/03/12/1654255
>> One wonders why Novell/Suse haven't released this as an opensource
>> add-in that any linux OOo user can use? Perhaps they have... does anyone
>> know?
> AFAIK there is a patch in preparation that basically can be used to
> integrate the "converter" into OOo. Using it still would need the
> converter bits itself but that should be doable.
> Besides that developers from Sun and Novell are working together on
> "native" OOo filters for die OOXML formats. Reports about ongoing work
> and hints where filter milestone builds can be downloaded will pop up on
> the GullFOSS blogs at times.
> Ciao,
> Mathias

Cool, thanks!

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