On Thu, 16 Jun 2005 10:31:56 +1000, you wrote:

>I've installed OpenOffice and I've gone to your website (twice)  and 
>registered the suite and completed the user survey. But every time I start my 
>computer it opens with an OpenOffice screen telling me I have to register 
>OpenOffice. How do I get rid of this.

I recently had the same problem, caused apparently by some irregularity
during the installation of OpenOffice 2.2.0

Various suggestions were made in this list, none of which worked, so I
downloaded version 2.2.1 and attempted to install it.

When the install reached the point of trying to replace the previous
version, it stuck, complaining of Error 1714, and asked for the version
2.2.0 install, and then refused to accept that file as valid.

Eventually, after consulting Google on Error 1714, I downloaded
Microsoft Installer Clean Up Utility MSICUU.EXE, and very carefully
applied it only to OpenOffice 2.2.0, which it instantly removed.

OpenOffice 2.2.1 then installed correctly, and I am no longer inflicted
with the daily Welcome message and its invitation to re-register.

Peter Watney

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