On 22/06/2007, at 5:54 AM, Hagar de l'Est wrote:

Le 21.06.2007 21:40, Dan Lewis a écrit :
Create a custom heading style with all of the attributes of Heading 3. Make one of them have a page break, and the other one not. Then use the heading style that you need each time.

The problem with this method is that the custom style cannot be hyperlinked in TOC yet (there is a bug report about that).

Okay, I thought this should be possible, and it turns out it is, and if you think in terms of how the styles are designed it works well. So lets take it in a couple of stages:

1. The idea of a custom style is correct. The difference here is that you should make it linked to the original Heading 3 style as this means that when you update the main style, the derivative style will change as well. This means only managing one style. The derivative style will obviously be set with the difference to the original style though.

2. Apply your two styles as required.

3. For the TOC, you select the box for Additional Styles and select your new derivative style and then indent to the level needed. Apply and you have the TOC with your new styles.

Jonathon Coombes
OOo Knowledgebase:-  http://mindmeld.cybersite.com.au

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