web kracked wrote:
YES M$ does have a "patch" if you want to call it that.
I have tried it on 2003 version and it seems to work.
It does take some time to find it on the M$ web site though.

I did try the junky 2007 version - trial version - and it ran
on my XP/Pro laptop.  It was junky and hoggish, and I hated
the way it looked and worked.  All I did was to use it for converting
the "2007 only" templates to an earlier version to use with OOo.
The "patch" working with 2003 seems to work just fine for that, now.

Now, if only some genius can only make a filter for OpenOffice.org.
Of course M$ wants the "docx" and such to become THE open document
standard, even though ODF's formats are now the ISO 26300 standard
(with M$ on the committee to choose one, they could not get their formats approved in the first place, so they want 2 ISO standards, ODF and their proprietary formats)

Sounds great for OOo however. If M$ have burned their bridges (not allowing previous versions to read their current format and not allowing the current version to run on older systems), people are going to be more receptive to OOo.

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