the only thing i need is a simple way to
to put a (one) adres in a letter wich is made from a template
so that the user clicks the template he gets a letter with a adres etc.
where the template gets the adres i don't care i only must be able to
change it with a little program.
The live situation works like this
I am updating information of a customer in our program via a terminal
emulator (as400).
I need to send a letter to that customer .
I push a button in the emulator wich starts a little program (i made it and
can change it) which gets the
name,address,etc from the as400 (i can put the data in csv file or whatever
somewere on the pc )
Then i want to open openoffice chose a template (we use a lot of standard
letters) and
then i should get the standard letter with the name adress filled in and
ready to send to the customer
thats all
thank you for your help

"S Perry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schreef:
> If I understand you correctly, you see the merged address when you click
> DOCUMENT. To change the VIEW to FIELD VIEW, click on the VIEW menu and
click on
> FIELD NAMES to put a checkmark next to FIELD NAMES. This will reveal the
> you have chosen to merge and the data source for that field. You may also
> to click on FIELD SHADINGS to put a checkmark next to FIELD SHADINGS. You
> toggle between the merged information and the field information by
> hitting Ctrl+F9 for FIELD NAMES, and Ctrl+F8 for FIELD SHADINGS.
> I've never tried to merge a data source in rtf format, but if it's
written in
> csv style, then all you would need to do would be to rename the format of
> data source from rtf to csv. You can accomplish this in a text editor by
> the rtf file in WINDOWS NOTEPAD and hitting SAVE AS and make sure you
change the
> choice SAVE AS TYPE Text File to All Files(*.*).
> Gary Dale <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   You need to think about what you really want. You want a document with 
> an address in it. A mail merge is easy if you want to select an address 
> from a file. This inverts what you want, which is to start with an 
> address then add a letter, but it should work.
> If you have several standard address files and multiple standard letters 
> that you want to merge - to send a standard letter to a particular 
> person - then you can either do the mail merge from the letter or you 
> can start with your template and cut and paste the address into it. If 
> that is too much effort, write a macro to run when the template is 
> opened to prompt you for the address file. If you insist on starting 
> with the address, write the macro to append the letter to your document.
> If the problem is simply that the .rtf files are wrong, try modifying 
> them in OOo Writer to be the size and position you want.
> In any event, what you are asking is far from clear. Perhaps you could 
> post an example or some more details?
> harry conings wrote:
>> Hi
>> i think i am stupid i cannot find a clue.
>> Mail merge will not work for me. When i use the wizard
>> he immediatly puts the data in my document . That does not work for me .
>> I want to change the csv (wich has only 2 lines a header and 1 line of
>> data) file
>> with a little perl script to put a adres in from our accounting program.
>> Then i want to open a template and oops and there is a letter with the
>> right adress in it
>> Is this so difficult ? or am i stupid. Probably the last.
>> Is there a simple way to get this done.
>> In microsoft office i put adres , and other data in little rft files.
>> Inserted the file and let both file be connected if the rtf changes the
>> changes
>> This also works in openoffice but openoffice makes my rtf pagewide (it
>> only 6 cm wide in rtf)
>> When i make it smaller to get my adres in the right place my text goes
>> smaller to.
>> I want to get rid off microsoft I don't like there policies.
>> When this problem is solved i can leave microsoft behind and i will be a
>> happy guy.
>> thks
>> Harry
>> "S Perry" schreef:
>>> What you want to accomplish is a Mail Merge function. Click on TOOLS >
>>> MERGE. Read about Mail Merge available in the Oo Help. You can also use
>> the
>>> QUERY function to select your records.
>>> harry conings wrote:
>>> I need to 'grab' 1 client/name and address details and
>> automaticallyinsert
>>> them into a letter/handout made from a template without users have to
>>> muchclicking.how should i proceedI tried with a csv file with one
>>> but i can not figure outhow a template can grab the one adres in the
>>> file en put in the letterautomaticly when you open it(i can do it by
>>> by F4 and than select the adress en than push data to fields)Has anyone
>>> solution fore thisrgds harry
>>> --
>>> Harry Conings
>>> I.C.E.
>>> Liebroekstraat 43
>>> 3545 Halen
>>> e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> tel:
>>> 0475 46 42 89
>>> fax : 013 785452
>>> btw : BE 446 888 007
>>> Suzanne L. Perry
>>> P O Box 7493
>>> Louisville, KY 40257-0493
>>> Phone/Fax: 502-895-0691
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>> --
>> Harry Conings
>> I.C.E.
>> Liebroekstraat 43
>> 3545 Halen
>> e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> tel:
>> 0475 46 42 89
>> fax : 013 785452
>> btw : BE 446 888 007
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Harry Conings
Liebroekstraat 43
3545 Halen
0475 46 42 89
fax : 013 785452
btw : BE 446 888 007

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