
As you probably know you can download a wide range of templates and gallery elements as an easy-to-install extensionsI for OpenOffice.org from here: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=170021&package_id=208656

We got a lot of templates collected from several source. Different authors, different licenses... I wanted to clear the license related questions so I created sheets with important informations abour every templates: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=170021&package_id=208656 If you have a small amount of time, you can help me to fill the table with more information about the templates in the OOOP-2.2.0-1-ml-templates-all-nonfree.oxt and OOOP-2.2.0-1-ml-templates-all.oxt extensions. Also I will add Finish, Poland, Brazilian Portugese languages to, so you can send me free templates (or links) for free templates to these languages. Also I am still recieving English, German, French, Italian, Turkey, Georgian and Hungarian templates and cliparts.

Best regards,

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