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Charles Burnell wrote:

Date: Fri, 06 Jul 2007 21:17:17 -0400
From: Charles Burnell
Subject: Able to install Open Office 2.2 - Still need some help


Dear Mr. Krause,

Thank you. The solution you suggested solved the problem of Open Office 2.2 not installing..

I still need help. I have two questions. I now have two versions of Open Office in my Program files. One is Open Office 2.0, the other is Open Office 2.2 which I just successfully installed.
Is it okay to simply delete the Open Office 2.0 folder?

Yes, I would propose to do it, if there's an entry for OOo 2.2 in
Windows Control Panel and OOo 2.2 is working without problems ...
Inside the OOo 2.0 folder should be only a few remaining files, which
can be removed. But please have a look, if there are files you'll
need (e.g. additionally installed dictionaries in folder
...share\ooo\dict) and which are not in the similar folder(s)
of OOo 2.2.

Also, can I delete the Installation folder for 2.2?

I don't delete this folder (could need it for repairing OOo);
others remove the unpacked installation files ...

Thank you  very much for your help.
Charles Burnell

Thanks for your feedback -

@ NoOP -
Gary, I'll try to reply to your post 'asap'.

Manfred J. Krause wrote:

Charles Burnell wrote:
Dear Mr. Fuchs,

I tried the solutions you suggested without success. Since my computer does not seem to have a file named "openofficeorg20.msi" is there a way to work around this? Thank you for your help with this problem.

Please, have a try with 'Windows Installer CleanUp Utility' ->
to get rid of
"error 1714 -
The older version of OpenOffice.org2.2 cannot be removed."
[Are you sure, it was 'OpenOffice.org 2.2'?
Isn't it 'OpenOffice.org 2.0'?].

After having removed the Windows Installer database entry of old
version 2.0.3, the installation of version 2.2 should work.

... and:
If none of the above helps, come back here and we'll have another think.


Harold Fuchs wrote:
Charles Burnell wrote:

I have Open Office 2.0.3 on my computer. I tried to update it to 2.2 and got an error message during the installation process. The error said "The features you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable." It is looking for openofficeorg20.msi. I can not find this file anywhere. Then I get error 1714. "The older version of OpenOffice.org2.2 cannot be removed.

Can someone help me get this to work? I tried to reinstall the original version of Open Office I have on disk. Once it found a newer version on my computer, it did not go any further.

First, before trying to install the new version make sure the old version's Quickstarter is not running. If it is it will show up as a grey icon in the System Tray. Right click on this icon and choose Exit from the menu that pops up.

Second, the error message you are getting is frequently caused by Antivirus (AV) software believing that what you are trying to install is a virus. This does not only happen with OpenOffice. To try to overcome this please do as follows:
1. Completely disconnect your computer from the internet.
2. Disable your AV and firewall software
3. Retry the installation process - after stopping Quickstarter as I outlined above.
4. Enable your AV and firewall software
5. Connect your system to the net; *never* leave your system connected to the internet if your AV and firewall software are not both running properly.

If none of the above helps, come back here and we'll have another think.

CC: Charles Burnell
Please reply to users@openoffice.org only

CC: Charles Burnell
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