-------- Original Message --------
Date: Thu 12 Jul 2007 07:33:08 EST

>> thanks, but I found these before. but it is not exactly what I wanted. It
>> is
>> more sth. like on the url below. I would like to have only a half circle,
>> or
>> a definable angle so that the rings are not 360° degrees.
>> example chart:
>> http://www.sueddeutsche.de/ausland/artikel/374/33341/chart_1_image_src_0_0.jpg
> Ah ok... In that case I don't believe calc supports that type of chart.
> However I've had a quick look in Excel 2003 and cannot see where it is
> supported there either.
> However if you feel that it would be useful to others, you can create a
> request for enhancement and it may appear in later releases.
> /paul

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