Thanks for the attempts at help so far! My mistake was that I forgot to mention that we need bookmarks created when exporting the PDF.

OOo creates PDFs with hotlinking... ie clickable cross-references and TOCs. Acrobat can do that in combination with Word (via some nasty VBA macros), but in my knowledge/experience, this is NOT possible with any other products, including OpenOffice + Acrobat. I've just tried it with OOo + Acrobat 5.0 (old as the hills, I know), but I can only get a printable PDF, not a clickable wizz-bang version such as OOo typically provides! :-)

- Naomi

NoOp wrote:
On 07/17/2007 03:47 PM, Naomi Kramer wrote:
I'm wondering if anyone else has had problems creating PDFs in the latest version (2.2 or 2.2.1 for that matter) of Writer? Windows XP.

We have rather large (150-200 page) manuals - master documents which
use variables. One contains lots of tables, one contains lots of
images. When we export to PDF, memory usage climbs quickly to around
1.4GB, then the process hangs.

We've tried: - exporting to an odt and removing all sections/links -
changing image format and size - removing indexes (this seemed to
help marginally) - changing PDF settings (not creating bookmarks,

Nothing's working. Any ideas? Workarounds?

[Excellent virtual PDF printer using Ghostscript]

And if you are really printing/exporting professional manuals, why not
just cough up the money and buy Adobe Acrobat and use that to print to PDF?

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