I am using Openoffice 2 and I don't even know how to characterize my problem.  
As you will see, I am a novice.
I have been happily typing and saving documents in openoffice.  All of a 
sudden, when I am on a document or blank page, I began to get a whole bunch of 
stuff across the top of the page.  It uses up a good deal of space that was 
just part of my document before.  Nothing I do can make it go away.  It just 
seems there to stay.  I don't know how it got there.  Here's what it looks like:

On the left hand side is a vertical list:  

New Theme
My Theme
etc., etc.

On the first row across the top is an address, which changes depending on what 
icons I hit:  e.g.,  
"c:///C?/Programfiles/openoffice.org2.01/share/gallery/etc. etc.
Below this row are the various backgrounds, bullets, symbols, musical notes, 
etc. depending on which list butten I click.

This whole thing takes up two to three inches of my document space.  I don't 
want it.  I don't need it.  Can anyone tell me how to get this off my screen???

If I am not writing to the write place for info, can you direct me to the place 
that could help me?

Thank you, whoever you are.

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