Clayton Taylor wrote:
Are we at cross-purposes ere???? I'm talking about the Open Office web registration, not OpenOffice software!!!!
I think this also allows you access into the web forum.
<snipped ridiculous smileys>

This is not a web forum. We are a group of unpaid volunteers who support OpenOffice via this *e-mail list*. If you are having problems registering with a web forum, please contact its administrator via the link provided.

On the other hand, if you are having problems with OpenOffice software then by all means ask us. If you do, please make sure you provide enough information: Flavour and version of operating system, version of OpenOffice, clear statement of what you are trying to do, details of error message(s) etc. Please don't attach files as attachments are regarded as security risks and, in general, stripped by the list management software. Instead, if you need to show examples, upload them to somewhere like and provide us with the supplied reference[s].

Harold Fuchs
London, England
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