On 07/23/2007 07:56 PM, Christian Einfeldt wrote:
> hi,
> As many of you know, I have been using OOo since 2001, and the entire time,
> I have been having an odd problem:  printing envelopes.  For many years, I
> had effectively achieved a work around, but now that work around has failed
> when I started using SUSE 10.2 on a brand new machine with a brand new copy
> of OOo 2.0.4.  My problem is that OOo doesn't print envelopes correctly.
> More specifically, I have pre-printed envelopes with a small space at the
> top of the actual physical envelopes for adding a return address that is
> unique to the envelope.  I would rather not buy blank envelopes, as I have
> put a decent amount of money into the envelopes that I have, and I would
> like to get OOo to print correctly into that space.  Indeed, when I use my
> old Mepis box, the exact same envelopes print fine under that version of OOo
> (a slightly older version of 2.xx).
> More particularly, the problem appears to be that OOo refuses to print into
> the space that lies between very top edge of the actual physical envelope an
> imaginary line parallel to that edge running the length of the envelope
> located 8 mm (5/6th inches) from the top edge.  To put it another way,
> imagine a space running long ways along the top of the envelope, you know,
> the area where return addresses are printed. That strip is 8 mm (5/6th Inch)
> wide.  The top border of the strip is the top of the envelope.  The bottom
> border of the strip is 8 mm (5/6th inch) from the top of the envelope.  The
> rest of my return address is situated below that strip.  I just need to
> print specific info into that 8mm wide strip.  OOo won't let me do that.
> I have attempted to set the printer margins by opening the stylist and
> creating a page style called "envelope_02" and setting the page margins
> there.  I have gotten to the point where I am kinda sorta okay for today,
> but here is the most disturbing aspect of all for this problem:  the print
> preview does not at all reflect what actually prints, nor has it ever.  Of
> course, I remain every bit as much a zealot for freedom in cyberspace and
> for FOSS, and this problem does not blunt my appreciation of the most
> important feature of OOo:  freedom.  But this is a nagging functionality
> issue.  Thanks in advance for any help you might be able to give. I'm sure
> that the problem is really just operator error.
> Coincidentally, I am producing a documentary film about the power and fun of
> FOSS, and we have lots of footage from OOo con 2004, as well as footage of
> interviews with Richard Stallman, the Mayor Munich, the Culture Minister,
> and more.  Please see my sig line below for our fully forkable footage, free
> as in beer and free as in freedom!

Two points & a question:

1. The current version of OOo is 2.2.1 w/2.3 on the way. You might want
to update again.

2. Nowhere do I see any mention of what type of printer you are using.
Quite often the settings will be adjusted by the printer driver outside
of OOo, so you may want to check your printer settings on this new
version of SUSE.

3. Have you attempted to adjust the envelope printer settings in OOo (I
assume you have, but it's worth asking)? I generally test by printing to
blank paper first until I have the settings just right for my printer.
Then I save the settings as a template and/or document so that I know
what they are.

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