On Sun, 29 Jul 2007 09:05:44 -0400
James Knott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sharon Gotchy wrote:
> > I am in need of a copy of MS Access 2003 and MS PowerPoint 2003 for a high 
> > school class for my grandson and was referred to your website.  But, I 
> > don't see anything there about these programs.  Can you help us?
> >
> OpenOffice does not include either of those, which are part of
> proprietary Microsoft Office.  OpenOffice includes Base and Impress as
> equivalent programs.  I don't know how suitable they would be for your
> grandson, without knowing the requirements for the class.  However, as
> OpenOffice is a free download from www.openoffice.org, it doesn't cost
> anything to try.

I have used both MS Power Point and OO.o Impress for teaching my
courses, and found Impress to be useful, but when a school teaches
MS Power Point and MS Access, it uses menu features specific to the MS
product.  I have seen MS Office 2003 official Student/Teacher edition as
$199 at Amazon, but $60 elsewhere.

You should try to speak to the teacher, and find out if OpenOffice.org
would be sufficient. My concern is that they are teaching specific
features of Access and Power Point, and your grandson may be lost for a
while. However, if  your grandson is already computer literate, he
might be able to keep up and use Impress and Base, and maybe he could
become an advocate at his school.

Jerry Feldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Boston Linux and Unix user group
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