On 8/9/07, russbucket <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wednesday August 8 2007 09:06, Martin Boyask wrote:
> > My friend has the current Openoffice suite installed, and I emailed him
> a
> > MS Word document [from Windows XP - Word 2003]. It refused to open. Does
> he
> > need to rename the document extension?
> No he should be able to open them. Once opened they will show a .odt
> extension,

That's not correct. If a .doc file is opened in OOo, the file will remain as
a .doc file (even in the title bar of OOo itself).

if he plans to sending them to anyone with word he will have to
> use save as and select the .doc extension before saving.

The format of the file won't change. Therefore if a .doc file is open and it
is required to stay in that format, then simply 'save' the file - the format
will stay as .doc.  If however he wants to send the .doc file to someone
that has OOo, then doing a 'save as' to get it into a .odt formatted file
would be what they should do.

Vista .docx are
> another story.

The new MS file formats (eg, .docx) are actually part of MS Office 2007 -
not Vista. You can have vista OS and install Office 2003 and work just fine
without using the new file formats.  However, it is still true that OOo
(without modifications) doesn't currently support the new file format.


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