At 18:39 15/08/2007 -0700, Joe Marks wrote:
Saving OOo files in MS Office 97 does not work.

Oh, yes, it does!

Is there a way of getting around the problem

Probably only if you say what the problem is! (There's laughably little detail here ...)

Here's a thought. OpenOffice has a strange option at the bottom of the Save As... dialogue box: "Automatic file name extension". This should generally be ticked. Is it?

If you save an OpenOffice Writer document in Word format but do not have this option ticked, you will create a valid Word file, but it will be called <name> instead of <name>.doc. If you then double-click this (or perhaps if your correspondent does) on a system with Microsoft Office, it will not open in Word - not because it is not a valid Word file but simply because the operating system does not know which application to use. If you are using Windows, you may not notice this difference, as standard extensions such as .doc are not displayed by default, so <name> and <name>.doc will appear the same.

If this is what has happened, you (or your correspondent) can confirm it in various ways: o You can tell the operating system which application to use to open the file. In Windows, you do this with right-click | Open With >. o You can start Word first and then use File | Open... to browse to and open the file. o You can rename the file, adding the proper extension, and then double-click it to open it.

If this is the problem you just need to tick that option and all will be well. If not, please explain a little more about the problem.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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